Friday, 3 October 2014

The importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing

Marvels avengers assemble was produced and was the biggest films of 2012, marvel is owned by Disney so therefore this automatically tells us and big budget as they are one of the ‘big six’. Disney which own marvel always or so have of the time have big budget films, the amount of money that went into the avengers was £220,000,000 and for a movie to make twice the money and cost of the film, avengers assemble on gross profit made $623,279,547 which is well over double the production. Marvel were in association with paramount pictures, this means that the big six work together to make and produce films this is an example of avengers assemble. This shows the size of the company Disney a sit has paramount another one of the big six to help in the production and to gain half dozen of A list stars, this represents how much power big holly wood movie companies have over the way films are made and how they are done with which companies. Other small companies were involved like BLT communications in which they designed and created the posters yet they weren’t credited or deemed to be important enough to be put within the film production or for the exhibition of the movie itself, furthermore this shows that small companies work along side the big six to help produce the movies but don’t take much credit and some aren’t even credited for doing something as important as the marketing. This shows that small companies work with bigger global companies to assist publishing and distributing the movie, the size is represented as they get all the credit for a good film and the smaller franchises have non credit for there work in sound effects, poster design etc. this demonstrates again the power that large global companies have a lot of power and can use this size to do what they want. Overall the importance of cross media convergence is vital to film production as its all the small companies working together to produce posters, sound tracks etc. and larger global companies to work together and produce together which gets a larger audiences due to the size and popularity of the big six.

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